Most of the books in Nicola Upson’s series featuring Josephine Tey are on sale in the UK right now

Almost all of the nine books in Nicola Upson’s series featuring Josephine Tey – yes, that Josephine Tey – as the protagonist have dropped to £0.99 each at Kindle UK. The only ones that haven’t are the third (Two for Sorrow, £3.99) and the upcoming tenth one, Dear Little Corpses, £4.31, which is due out in May 2022 (UK) or August 2022 (US).

Here’s a link for the series webpage:

And here’s a link for the ninth book, The Dead of Winter, which doesn’t show up on the series webpage, maybe due to its different title (The Dead of Winter vs The Secrets of Winter) in the UK vs the US.

7 thoughts on “Most of the books in Nicola Upson’s series featuring Josephine Tey are on sale in the UK right now”

  1. Several Nicola Upson titles (with Josephine Tey as the protagonist) are on sale for £0.99 each at Kindle UK. All are repeats, but, with the exception of the first and last, not very recently.

    An Expert in Murder, #1
    Kindle UK:

    Two for Sorrow, which you’d think would be #2, but is actually #3
    Kindle UK:

    The Dead of Winter, apa The Secrets of Winter, #9
    Kindle UK:

    Dear Little Corpses, #10
    See links in the comment just above…

  2. Shot with Crimson is the eleventh and most recent in Nicola Upson’s series featuring Josephine Tey as the protagonist. I kind of lost track of this series a while back when I didn’t much like one of the middle books, and never seemed to pick it back up. But this one gets pretty good reviews.

    It’s £1.49 right now at Kindle UK, but sadly, not on sale at Kobo UK, nor in the US, where it’s an absurd $19.99. Yeah, yeah, it’s a current release, but $19.99 is still kind of crazy for a single fiction book. JMTCW. Anyway, I’ll wait for it to go on sale someday at Kobo, since it’s a 2023 release, but YMMV, so here’s the info.

    Kindle UK:

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