The Rose Gardner series by Denise Grover Swank is free right now in the US and UK

Denise Grover Swank has her complete Rose Gardner mystery series for free right now at Kindle US and UK. I haven’t read any books in this series, but have read a few of her romances and liked them. I guess I’ll grab them all and try the series soon!

Series link for Kindle US | Kindle UK

5 thoughts on “The Rose Gardner series by Denise Grover Swank is free right now in the US and UK”

  1. There are also some novellas in the series for free that didn’t get picked up by the link (at least for me).

    Falling to Pieces, #3.5
    Kindle US:
    Kindle UK:

    Picking Up the Pieces, #5.5
    Kindle US:
    Kindle UK:

    Ripple of Secrets, #6.5
    Kindle US:
    Kindle UK:

    Sins of the Father, #9.5
    Kindle US:
    Kindle UK:

  2. Luck of the Draw is the fifth in Denise Grover Swank/Angela Casella’s Asheville Brewing series. It’s free right now at Kindle and Kobo US. I’ve read a couple of the earlier books in this series and enjoyed them. The webpage says it’s a novella, but also says it’s 166 pages (however you figure that out in an e-book), which is kind of long for a novella, IMO…

    Kindle US:
    Kobo US:

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