A Curse of Silence by Lauren Haney is on sale in the US and UK

As I’ve mentioned a time or two or two dozen, I am a big fan of historical mysteries, and one of my favorite time periods is ancient Egypt.   And one of my favorite series is Lauren Haney’s 8-book Lieutenant Bak series, set in the time of the Pharaoh Hatshepsut, and published in the late 1990s and early 2000s.   Sadly, only six of the eight books have been made available in e-book in the US, and only one seems to be available in the UK, and they haven’t gone on sale very often in the recent past.   (Although a few of them seem to hang out around $4-ish, which is way too high for decades old backlist, IMO, but probably won’t break the bank either…)

Happily, though, the fourth book, A Curse of Silence, is on sale right now for $0.99/1.99 in the US/UK.

Buy at Kindle US  |  Kobo US  |  Kindle UK Kobo UK

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