A Few Right Thinking Men by Sulari Gentill is on sale in the US and UK

A Few Right Thinking Men is the first in Sulari Gentill’s Rowland Sinclair historical (WWII) series. It’s on sale in the US for $1.99 (and discountable at Kobo US), and it’s also £1.99 at Kindle UK.

I’ve never gotten into this series because almost all of the rest of the titles, with the occasional exception of the second one, are normally priced in the $9.99 – $12.99 (!!!) range. And I almost never pay that much for a book, unless it’s required for a class 🙂 or meeting some other very unusual need. But they all have pretty good ratings, and I have a friend who likes the series, and Poisoned Pen Press books are usually pretty good IMO, so YMMV.

And I also just noted, though, while checking things out for this post, that in the UK, the rest of the series mostly ranges from £2.99 to £3.99. Which is a lot more reasonable. And not surprisingly, there’s a different publisher…

Buy at Kindle US | Kobo US | Kindle UK

3 thoughts on “A Few Right Thinking Men by Sulari Gentill is on sale in the US and UK”

  1. A Few Right Thinking Men is $0.99 right now at Kindle US, but not on sale elsewhere, at least as of now. Although it does seem to be semi-long-term priced at £1.99 in the UK, which is not bad either. The links in the OP are still good.

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