Julie Smith’s books go on sale/free a lot, so I don’t usually post them. But sometimes I post the omnibuses when they go free, since they are such an easy way to pick up a lot of titles at once, if you don’t mind having them all in one volume. (Or are into splitting them up yourself…) And although I’m always nervous when the blurb for a book says it’s funny, I do find Smith’s Rebecca Schwartz series to have some pretty amusing moments, well worthy of some chuckles, especially the earlier ones. And WTH, if you don’t like these, they were free and you can just delete them.
The Rebecca Schwartz Complete Set is free right now at Kindle US and UK.
Titles include: Death Turns a Trick, The Sourdough Wars, Tourist Trap, Dead in the Water, and Other People’s Skeletons.
The books in the Rebecca Schwartz series haven’t been going free individually as often, so I’m going to go ahead and post…
Death Turns a Trick is the first in the series. It’s free right now at Kindle US and Kindle UK.
Kindle US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008S695AO
Kindle UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B008S695AO