Medieval Blood: The Geoffrey Chaucer Mysteries is an omnibus of all four titles in the Geoffrey Chaucer series by Philip Gooden. It’s a Kindle Countdown Deal at $0.99/£0.99 in US/UK for about 6 more days. The first three of these books were originally published under the pen name Philippa Morgan, but I couldn’t find much info on those editions – I’m guessing Gooden has gotten the rights back and is re-publishing them himself. Which is supported by the fact that, per SYKM, the last one was published several years later, in his own name…
The titles in the omnibus include:
- Chaucer and the House of Fame
- Chaucer and the Legend of Good Women
- Chaucer and the Doctor of Physic
- Chaucer and the Vintry Ward
If you missed the omnibus when it was on sale a while back, it’s on sale again now. The sale prices aren’t quite as good ($2.99/£1.99) as before, but still pretty good for all four books in the series. The links in the OP are still good.