An omnibus of four early titles in the Inspector Maigret series by Georges Simenon is on sale at both Kindle and Kobo US for $2.99. This is a nice price even if you only need a couple of the titles, because most Maigret titles (with the exception, probably of the first one, Pietr the Latvian), don’t go on sale all that often in the US. There are also supposedly some extras, like first edition covers, in the omnibus.
The Maigret books are among the worst for having multiple titles, which often don’t seem to have much in common, so here’s a list of the books in the omnibus, with alternate (English) titles based on the ones provided by SYKM.
- Pietr the Latvian, apa The Strange Case of Peter the Lett, apa The Case of Peter the Lett, apa Maigret and the Enigmatic Lett
- The Hanged Man of Saint-Pholien, apa The Crime of Inspector Maigret, apa Maigret and the Hundred Gibbets
- The Carter of ‘La Providence’, apa The Crime at Lock 14, apa Maigret Meets a Milord, apa Lock 14
- The Grand Banks Café, apa The Sailor’s Rendezvous, apa Maigret Answers a Plea
Maigret Goes to School is (per the blurb, I certainly didn’t count ?) the 44th in the series, and has dropped to £1.99 at Kindle UK:
If you missed the omnibus in the OP, the first title in the series, Pietr the Latvian, is on sale right now at Kindle UK for £1.99. Note that, like many Maigret books, this has a bunch of alternate titles. It’s also been published as The Strange Case of Peter the Lett, and The Case of Peter the Lett, and Maigret and the Enigmatic Lett. Whew!
Kindle UK:
Maigret’s Holiday, apa A Summer Holiday, apa No Vacation for Maigret, apa Maigret on Holiday, has dropped to $2.99 at Kindle and Kobo US.
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
My Friend Maigret (apa The Methods of Maigret) has dropped to £2.99 at Kindle UK. It’s about halfway through the series.
Kindle UK:
Maigret’s Mistake is about 2/3 of the way through the Maigret series. It has dropped to £2.99 at Kindle UK:
Inspector Maigret Omnibus 2, containing The Saint-Fiacre Affair (apa Maigret and the Countess, Maigret Goes Home, and Maigret on Home Ground), The Misty Harbour (apa Maigret and the Death of a Harbor Master), Maigret (apa Maigret Returns) and The Judge’s House (apa Maigret in Exile), is on sale for £3.99 at Kindle UK.
Kindle UK:
If you prefer to read in the original French…
Tout Maigret T. 3 regroupe neuf romans parus entre 1932 et 1944. Les livres sont: Liberty bar, L’Ecluse n°1, Maigret, Les Caves du Majestic, La Maison du juge, Cécile est morte, Signé Picpus, Félicie est là, et L’inspecteur Cadavre. A ce moment, c’est à prix réduit a Kindle France, UK et US.
Kindle US, $5.99:
Kindle UK, £3.99:
If you missed the sale price on the omnibus of early Simenon/Maigret titles in the OP, here’s your chance to pick up one of the books on sale individually. The blurb says The Hanged Man of Saint-Pholien, apa The Crime of Inspector Maigret, apa Maigret and the Hundred Gibbets, is the third Maigret title, but SYKM says it’s the fourth, and I usually go with SYKM 😊. In any case, it’s $1.99 right now at both Kindle and Kobo US.
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Signed, Picpus, apa To Any Lengths, apa Maigret and the Fortuneteller is the 23rd (more or less, depending on how you count) in the Maigret series. It has dropped to $1.99 at Kindle and Kobo US. These don’t go on sale very often in the US, and there are so very many of them, so you probably should grab it if you think you might want it.
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Pietr the Latvian is on sale right now again at Kindle UK for £1.99. The link, and several alternate titles, are in the second comment way up above.
And another omnibus on sale if you want to read in French:
Tout Maigret T. 9 regroupe les romans parus entre 1968 et 1972. Les livres sont: Maigret hésite, L’Ami d’enfance de Maigret, Maigret et le tueur, Maigret et le marchand de vin, La Folle de Maigret, Maigret et l’homme tout seul, Maigret et l’indicateur, et Maigret et Monsieur Charles. A ce moment, c’est à prix réduit chez Kindle UK et US. Malheureusement, il n’est pas à prix réduit chez Kindle France.
Et avec:
– Préface de Jean-Luc Bannalec
– Notes de Michel Carly
– Illustration de couverture inédite de Loustal
Kindle US, $6.99:
Kindle UK, £4.99:
Maigret and the Wine Merchant is almost at the end of Simenon’s Inspector Maigret series. It’s $2.99 right now in the US…
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
A Maigret Christmas: And Other Stories is a bit more than half-way through the Inspector Maigret series by Georges Simenon. It’s £0.99 right now at Kindle UK, but not at Kobo UK, at least as of now…
Kindle UK:
And another omnibus on sale if you want to read in French:
Tout Maigret T. 5 regroupe les romans parus entre 1950 et 1953. Les livres sont: L’Amie de madame Maigret; Les Mémoires de Maigret; Maigret au Picratt’s; Maigret en meublé; Maigret et la Grande Perche; Maigret, Lognon et les gangsters; Le Revolver de Maigret; et Maigret et l’homme du banc. A ce moment, c’est à prix réduit chez Kindle UK et US. Malheureusement, il n’est pas à prix réduit chez Kindle France.
Kindle US, $6.99:
Kindle UK, £4.99: