Cast into Doubt by Patricia MacDonald is free today at Kindle US and UK

Patricia MacDonald writes psychological thrillers, which are not my thing, but may be your thing 😀. And if so, here you go…

Per an email from Joffe Books, MacDonald’s Cast into Doubt is free for today only (not sure whose time zone) at Kindle US and UK.

Free at Kindle US | Kindle UK

2 thoughts on “Cast into Doubt by Patricia MacDonald is free today at Kindle US and UK”

  1. Joffe books appear to have picked up at least some of Patricia MacDonald’s non-series psychological thrillers, and now two of them are £0.99 (and KU, if you have that) in the UK. Just as a fun fact, per SYKM, MacDonald’s first book, The Unforgiven, was a finalist for the 1982 Edgar Award for Best Paperback

    Somewhat unusually, neither is on sale in the US, and one still shows with a different cover and as being published by Atria. SO maybe they will work their way into them in the US, or maybe there were different publishers to deal with. Not available at Kobo, due to the KU thing…

    Lost Innocents at Kindle UK:

    Not Guilty at Kindle UK:

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