- Dreamer of Dune: The Biography of Frank Herbert
- Dune: The Heir of Caladan
- Dune: The Lady of Caladan
- Dune: The Duke of Caladan
- The Road to Dune
- Princess of Dune
- Sands of Dune
- Navigators of Dune
- Mentats of Dune
- Sisterhood of Dune
- The Winds of Dune
- Paul of Dune
- Sandworms of Dune
- Hunters of Dune
- Dune: The Battle of Corrin
- Dune: The Machine Crusade
- Dune: The Butlerian Jihad
The way Humble Bundle works is that you can choose one of several different prices, and that determines how many of the items in the Bundle you will receive. In this case, to get all seventeen, you pay $18, which is a really good price for the books if you need/want them all, or even just some of them. You can also pay $10 to get three books, or $1 to get one book.
It’s also worth noting that you also have an opportunity to pay a little bit more, and have the balance go to a charity of Humble Bundle’s choosing. Info about which charity is currently receiving the donations from this Bundle is on the lower right side of the Bundle webpage.
Here’s a link to the Bundle page, and my thanks to @JSWolf on the Mobile Read forums, whose post alerted me to this deal. Today is April 19, 2024 and it’s on offer for about 19 more days.