Last Rituals by Yrsa Sigurdardottir is on sale in the US right now

I read and really liked Yrsa Sigurðardóttir’s Thóra Gudmundsdottir series many many years ago. I enjoyed the glimpses of ordinary life in Iceland, which provided the settings behind the sometimes slightly gruesome events in the books, and also liked Thóra’s persistence and logic. And now the first book in the series, Last Rituals, is on sale in the US for $2.99, and discountable at Kobo. Unfortunately the rest of the books in the series are quite pricy, and don’t go on sale very often, so if you like this one, hopefully you can either find the rest via your library, or can be pretty patient.  Of course, come back here, because I do post when I see them.  But although they used to go on sale fairly often a while ago, I haven’t seen them on sale much recently.


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