Many of the books in the Knights Templar series by Michael Jecks are on sale in the US right now

About half (???) of the books in the Simon Puttock/Sir Baldwin Furnshill (Knights Templar) series by Michael Jecks have gone on sale in the US, some for $0.99 each, a bunch more for $1.99 each, and some for $2.99 each.   I have fond memories of picking up the early titles in this series in paperback (before e-books) while in the UK on business trips, and then reading them on the plane on the way home.   There are way too many titles for me to type them all out, but here are a link for the series webpage at Kindle US, and then a price-sorted link for Michael Jecks at Kobo US, because the series link at Kobo doesn’t pick up all of these titles.   (I suspect publisher issues…)

Basically, the first book and books 14 – 18 are $0.99 each, books 19 – 23 are $1.99 each, and books 24 – 28 are $2.99 each.   So if you like the series, but have some missing books – this may be your chance to fill in!

Find the series webpage at Kindle US here.    (You may need to hit the “show all” link at the bottom of the page to see the last few books.)

And find the price-sorted link for Michael Jecks books at Kobo US here.   There are a few strays by other authors at the beginning of the first page, but the Knights Templar listings start about half-way down, and continue through the top of the third page.

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