Murder on Astor Place by Victoria Thompson is on sale in the US right now

Murder on Astor Place is the first book in Victoria Thompson’s Sarah Brandt series. It has dropped to $1.99 at Kindle US and Kobo US. I read the first several books in this series way back in paperback days and liked them, but lost track of the series during my transition to e-books, since the later titles rarely go on sale.

Buy at Kindle US | Kobo US

3 thoughts on “Murder on Astor Place by Victoria Thompson is on sale in the US right now”

  1. Murder on Bedford Street is the twenty-sixth and now the most recent (2023) in the Sarah Brandt Malloy/Gaslight series, at least until a new one comes out in April.

    Kindle US, $1.99:
    Kobo US, $1.99:
    Kindle UK, £0.99:
    Kobo US, £1.99, but discountable – shows up as £1.38 VIP price:

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