Painted Veil by Beverle Graves Myers is on sale in the US right now

Poisoned Pen Press seems to be feeling their oats right now, and putting a few authors/series on sale that usually don’t go on sale, and are pretty expensive when not on sale.

Painted Veil is the second in the historical Tito Amato series by Beverle Graves Myers. It’s on sale for $1.99 in the US, and discountable at Kobo US. I luckily picked several of these up many many years ago in Fictionwise* days, since I haven’t seen any of these on sale in years. This is a really nice six-book series that I wish were longer.

Buy at Kindle US  |  Kobo US

*The now defunct Fictionwise was an e-book seller that offered lots of good sales and discount programs.   They are sadly missed…



5 thoughts on “Painted Veil by Beverle Graves Myers is on sale in the US right now”

  1. All six of the books in the Tito Amato series are $1.99 right now at Kindle US, and five of the six at Kobo US (and discountable at Kobo US). And fingers crossed for the last one…

    There don’t seem to be series webpages, but Myers hasn’t written a lot of other books, just a few, so the author pages will get you there – without too many strays.

    author webpage at Kindle US:
    author webpage at Kobo US:

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