The Anodyne Necklace by Martha Grimes is on sale in the US

The Anodyne Necklace is the third in the Richard Jury series by Martha Grimes. It’s on sale for $1.99 in the US today.

Buy at Kindle US | Kobo US

12 thoughts on “The Anodyne Necklace by Martha Grimes is on sale in the US”

  1. If you missed it a few weeks ago, The Knowledge is on sale again at Kindle US (but not at Kobo US). Unfortunately, it’s a buck more, at $2.99, but still not too bad. The link in the comment above is still good.

  2. The Knowledge is on sale yet again at Kindle US for $2.99, but sadly again not on sale at Kobo US. The link three comments up is still good….

  3. I Am the Only Running Footman is the eighth Richard Jury title by Martha Grimes. It has dropped to $2.99 at Kindle US: Kindle US:

    And, while I’m posting, two other Grimes/Jury books are still on sale for $2.99 each, but only at Kindle US, at least as of now:
    The Dirty Duck – see the comment just above
    The Five Bells and Bladebone – see the comment three up

  4. If you didn’t bite at $2.99, back in August, The Dirty Duck is now $1.99 at Kindle US, but sadly, not price-matched at Kobo US. Unless, of course, you do the price-matching yourself via Kobo’s price match program.

    The link in the comment two above is still good.,,

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