The Complete Jake Samson Mystery Series Vol 1-6 by Shelley Singer is free right now at Kindle US and UK

Based on the table of contents in the sample, The Complete Jake Samson Mystery Series Vol 1-6 is pretty much what it says it is – all six titles in the 1980s – 1990s series by Shelley Singer. It is free right now at Kindle US and UK. I remember reading and enjoying several of the books in this series many many years ago, in paperback days. I don’t remember much about them, to be sure, but I must have enjoyed them since I kept the original books. The series titles in the omnibus are: Samson’s Deal, Free Draw, Full House, Spit in the Ocean, Suicide King, and Full House. The blurb also indicates that this omnibus includes a bonus dystopian thriller, Torch Song. This omnibus goes free every few months, but never for very long, so grab it now (April 4, 2021) if you want it.

Free at Kindle US | Kindle UK

7 thoughts on “The Complete Jake Samson Mystery Series Vol 1-6 by Shelley Singer is free right now at Kindle US and UK”

  1. The collection is free again right now, and the links in the OP are still good.

    The first book, Samson’s Deal, is also free again right now, and the links in the comment two up are also still good.

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