The first three titles in Jake Needham’s Samuel Tay series have dropped in price to $0.99/$1.99/$2.99 respectively at Kindle US, and £0.99/£1.99/£2.99 at Kindle UK. These are Kindle Countdown deals, good for more than five days from today (January 31, 2021) in each country. I’ve read and enjoyed all three of these. Note that the first title has been free briefly from time to time in the past, so check carefully to see if you already have it before you buy!
The Ambassador’s Wife, #1: Kindle US | Kindle UK
The Umbrella Man, #2: Kindle US | Kindle UK
The Dead American, #3: Kindle US | Kindle UK
The first title, The Ambassador’s Wife, is free right now at Kindle US and UK. The last time it went free, a few years ago, it didn’t stay free for very long, so grab it now if you want it! Links in the OP are still good.
Aaaaand The Ambassador’s Wife, is free again right now at Kindle US and UK. The links in the OP are still good.