The Junkyard Dog by Robert Campbell is free right now at Kindle US and UK

The Junkyard Dog is the first in the Jimmy Flannery series by Robert Campbell. It is free right now at Kindle US and UK.

Buy: Kindle US | Kindle UK

1 thought on “The Junkyard Dog by Robert Campbell is free right now at Kindle US and UK”

  1. The Junkyard Dog was a long time freebie until a couple of years ago, when it went up in price, but now it has dropped to $0.99/£0.99 at Kindle US/UK. Not free, but still really reasonable. And the rest of the series is also pretty reasonably priced at $3.99/£2.99 or less, so if you like this one, you won’t break the bank reading the rest!

    Oh yeah, and per SYKM, it won both the Edgar and Anthony awards for Best Paperback in 1987.

    The links in the OP are still good….

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