Three interesting non-fiction titles in today’s US Kindle Daily Deal

Not just one, but three interesting-looking non-fiction books (interesting looking to me at least :)) in today’s US Kindle Daily Deal. Just what I need – more books in my TBR pile.

Octopus: The Ocean’s Intelligent Invertebrate: A Natural History by Roland C. Anderson is $2.99. I’ve always liked octopuses from my days as a volunteer docent at our local aquarium, where the curators would “work” with the octopuses to provide them with little puzzles, like putting their food in rinsed out peanut butter jars, and watching the octopuses figure out how to open the screw tops, and then also learn/remember how to do it in the future. And also from watching them while scuba diving.
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The True History of Merlin the Magician by Anne Lawrence-Mathers is also $2.99. The title sounds as if it could be a little woo-woo, but the author is a professor of medieval history at the University of Reading, and the blurb sounds pretty interesting. And it’s published by Yale University Press, and there’s probably not too much woo-woo in their books :).
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The Planets: Photographs from the Archives of NASA by Nirmala Nataraj, also $2.99. This one I’m debating about a little bit, because there are lots of NASA photographs in the public domain/online. But the first chapter in the sample, which has a lot of pictures of Mercury, is pretty interesting, and it might be worth the $2.99 for the additional info/descriptions. And also just to have had someone else sort through and pick out the “good pics”. I don’t know how well this would show up on an e-reader, but on my PC the pics look really nice! Choices, choices…
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1 thought on “Three interesting non-fiction titles in today’s US Kindle Daily Deal”

  1. Riffing on the “octopus” theme, The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness by Sy Montgomery looks pretty interesting. As a scuba diver of a few decades, it’s always amazing (and difficult) to spot these critters in the wild. And as a former aquarium docent, watching the octopuses in their exhibits was always fascinating.

    And The Soul of an Octopus is on sale today for $1.99 in the US, as part of today’s Kindle Daily Deal, and matched at Kobo US. Where, although it’s not discountable, it is available for 2400 Kobo Super Points, if you have any of those hanging around.

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