Chris Nickson writes several historical mystery series, ranging from fairly recent (1900s) to quite old (1300s). Now the first-in-series titles for two of these are on sale at Kindle and Kobo US. And they’re discountable at Kobo US if you have a valid coupon code or a VIP membership.
The Crooked Spire is the first in Nickson’s John the Carpenter series, set in the mid-1300s, in England. It’s on sale for $0.99 right now. Buy: Kindle US | Kobo US.
Dark Briggate Blues is the first in Nickson’s Dan Markham series, set in the mid 1900s, in England. It’s on sale for $1.99 right. Buy: Kindle US | Kobo US
The first two Dan Markham books are £2.37 each right now at Kindle UK…
Dark Briggate Blues, #1:
The New Eastgate Swing, #2:
If you missed it the first time, The Crooked Spire is on sale right now for $1.99 in the US – not quite as nice a price as before, but still not bad. And discountable at Kobo US. The links in the OP are still good…