Two first-in-series historical mystery titles by Chris Nickson on sale in the US

Chris Nickson writes several historical mystery series, ranging from fairly recent (1900s) to quite old (1300s). Now the first-in-series titles for two of these are on sale at Kindle and Kobo US. And they’re discountable at Kobo US if you have a valid coupon code or a VIP membership.

The Crooked Spire is the first in Nickson’s John the Carpenter series, set in the mid-1300s, in England. It’s on sale for $0.99 right now. Buy: Kindle US | Kobo US.

Dark Briggate Blues is the first in Nickson’s Dan Markham series, set in the mid 1900s, in England. It’s on sale for $1.99 right. Buy: Kindle US | Kobo US

2 thoughts on “Two first-in-series historical mystery titles by Chris Nickson on sale in the US”

  1. If you missed it the first time, The Crooked Spire is on sale right now for $1.99 in the US – not quite as nice a price as before, but still not bad. And discountable at Kobo US. The links in the OP are still good…

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