If you’re reading this post, on a website called “Mostly Mysteries”, you are probably already well aware of Ngaio Marsh and her excellent (and classic) Inspector Alleyn series. If not, and if you like Golden Age mysteries, you have a treat coming! Right now, March 16, 2021, the first and the last* titles in the series are on sale at Kindle US for $1.99 each. And even better, Felony and Mayhem Press, who have the US e-book rights, have been putting a (somewhat random) selection of books from the series on sale fairly often recently, so if you keep your eyes open, you should be able to pick up many/most on sale if you have patience. And of course, bookmark this post, where I will add the sale prices in the comments when I see them.
*To be totally precise, there is one later title, an unfinished book that was finished much later by another author…
A Man Lay Dead, #1, buy at Kindle US
Light Thickens, #32, buy at Kindle US