Several (eleven, by my count) mostly early Stephanie Plum titles are on sale for $2.99 each at Kindle and Kobo US. I’m not up for typing out all the titles, but the numbers are Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Ten, Eleven, Thirteen, Sixteen, and Twenty-Two. Visions of Sugar Plums is also $2.99 right now. The links below lead to all of the titles, but also include a few strays.
buy at Amazon US (link for all):
buy at Kobo US (link for all):
If you missed the big Stephanie Plum sale back in January, now two titles are on sale for $2.99 each in the US, one a repeat, and one that wasn’t in the January sale.
Four to Score
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Fearless Fourteen
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Note: there’s also an omnibus of Stephanie Plum titles, More Plums in One, that includes Four to Score. It has been on sale in the past, so check carefully before you buy.
Four to Score has gone back up to $8.99 but High Five has dropped to $2.99 now. (Read fast!)
Note that High Five is also in the same omnibus as Four to Score, so check before you buy…
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Oh yeah, Fearless Fourteen is still on sale…
And yet another Stephanie Plum title, by Janet Evanovich, on sale…
This time it’s Hot Six, available for $2.99 at both Kindle and Kobo US. Note that Hot Six is in the same omnibus (More Plums in One) as Four to Score and High Five, so check before you buy.) Also High Five is still $2.99, as is Fearless Fourteen. See the previous comments for info and links.
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Macmillan are really counting up through Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series. Now Seven Up is $2.99 at Kindle and Kobo US. High Five, Hot Six and Fearless Fourteen are also still $2.99. Links are in the comments above…
Seven Up
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Another day, another number…
The eighth Stephanie Plum title, Hard Eight is $2.99 right now. Five, Six and Seven are also still $2.99. Fourteen is back up to $8.99. Links in posts/comments above.
Hard Eight
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
To the Nines is, as you may have guessed, the ninth in the series. In Macmillan’s count-up through the series, it’s now on sale for $2.99 at Kindle and Kobo US.
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
And, while price checking in the UK, where it has dropped to £2.99, I also noticed that Seven Up and Hard Eight are also £2.99. Which is a little odd because these are published in the UK by Headline, and I didn’t think that Headline and Macmillan are affiliated. Oh well…
Seven Up
Kindle UK:
Hard Eight
Kindle UK:
To the Nines
Kindle UK:
Here’s your daily Stephanie Plum….maybe when I have some spare time (hah!), I’ll figure out when they’ll finish if they keep going at one per day….
Ten Big Ones, #2.99
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
And today’s Stephanie Plum is…Eleven on Top, at $2.99.
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
In the daily count-up: Twelve Sharp, Stephanie Plum #12 (like you couldn’t figure that out), $2.99
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
I missed a few days of the Janet Evanovich/Stephanie Plum count-up due to being busy with some family issues. But luckily the ones I missed are all still on sale, at least as of now, except for Fearless Fourteen, which was, for some reason, on sale at the beginning of this count-up, totally out of order. All $2.99 each.
Lean Mean Thirteen
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Finger Lickin’ Fifteen
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Sizzling Sixteen
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
And Twelve Sharp is still $2.99 at Kindle US, but has gone back up to $8.99 at Kobo US. Links in the previous comment.
A bunch of Stephanie Plum titles (most of the titles between 9 and 15, and also 21 and 26), and one title in her Barnaby series (Motor Mouth) are all $2.99 each as part of today’s Kindle US Daily Deal. Most or all are matched at Kobo.
I am in a huge crunch today, so here is a link to the Stephanie Plum series at Kindle US:
And to Motor Mouth:
And to Janet Evanovich’s books at Kobo, sorted by price, so the sale titles should be near the beginning (give or take a few $0.99 books):
Game On: Tempting Twenty-Eight is the most recent (2021) title in the Stephanie Plum series, at least until the new one comes out late this year. It has dropped to £0.99 as part of today’s Kindle UK Daily Deal. Interesting that Evanovich (or her publisher) seem to be making the “numbered titles” into tag lines on the last couple of books…
Kindle UK:
Hardcore Twenty-Four has dropped to $2.99 in the US right now.
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Today’s Big Deal at Kindle UK is seven Janet Evanovich/Stephanie Plum books (numbers 19 – 25) for £0.99 each. Here’s the link to the Big Deal webpage:
Sizzling Sixteen is $2.99 again in the US. The links a few comments up are still good…
Smokin’ Seventeen is the (big surprise!) seventeenth in the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. It’s $2.99 at Kindle US right now as part of Kindle’s current “Popular fiction titles for $3.99 or less” sale, good through 8/14, and price-matched at Kobo US.
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Even though it doesn’t follow the typical Stephanie Plum naming convention, Fortune and Glory is, per SYKM, the 27th book in the series. And it’s £0.99 right now at Kindle UK.
ADD: But it does have the subtitle, Tantalizing Twenty-Seven, so the counting thing is not totally gone…
Kindle UK:
Seven Up and Finger Lickin’ Fifteen are $2.99 each in the US right now.
Seven Up
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Finger Lickin’ Fifteen
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Going Rogue: Rise and Shine Twenty-Nine is the most recent (2022) in the Stephanie Plum series. It’s £0.99 today as part of the UK Kindle Daily Deal.
Kindle UK:
I’m sure you can figure out which book in Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series Dirty Thirty is 😁. It’s also the most recent (2023) as of now. It has dropped to £0.99 at Kindle UK, but, somewhat oddly, not at Kobo UK. Perhaps Kobo has yet to catch up, since it’s only 3 am there, so I’m including that link too, for price check purposes.
Kindle UK:
Kobo UK (price-check):
And sure enough, it has dropped at Kobo UK too. But probably just for today…