A Detective at Death’s Door by HRF Keating is free right now in the US and UK

HRF Keating is better known for his Inspector Ghote series, but he also wrote seven titles in his DCI Harriet Martens series. And now the fifth book in that series, A Detective at Death’s Door, is free at Kindle US and UK. This series had been e-published by Endeavour Press, who went out of business quite a while ago, and books in the series went free occasionally as part of their marketing strategy. Now it appears that Lume books has the rights, so these are different editions, with different covers. And Lume books also tend to go free from time to time, which is nice. But if you don’t want multiple editions cluttering up your library, check before you buy…

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4 thoughts on “A Detective at Death’s Door by HRF Keating is free right now in the US and UK”

  1. Rules, Regs and Rotten Eggs is the seventh and last in the Harriet Martens series. It’s free right now at Kindle US and UK…

    Kindle US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BS9SKV7V
    Kindle UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BS9SKV7V

    We’ve now had the fifth, sixth and seventh in the series go free in the not too distant past – I wonder if I missed the first through fourth? And fingers crossed that maybe they’ll start over again from the beginning. Although I do have most of the series from when Endeavour Press was putting them free from time to time…

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