Grave Consequences by Dana Cameron is on sale right now

I tend to like mysteries with an archeological or anthropological slant, and Dana Cameron’s Emma Fielding series, published in the early 2000s, fits the bill. I read these as real-paper books and liked them, but they don’t go on sale very often in ebook in the US.

Now however, here’s the second book in the series, Grave Consequences, on sale for $1.99/£1.99 in the US/UK, and discountable at Kobo. And the rest of the series is also only £2.49 in the UK, except for the first, which is £7.99. (An odd marketing decision, to have the first be full-price, but that’s not my job…)

Buy at  Kindle US  |  Kobo US  |  Kindle UK

Line to the series webpage at Kindle UK


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