The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler probably doesn’t need any explanation or description if you’re already hanging out on a site called Mostly Mysteries. But just in case, suffice it to say that (per SYKM) it won the 1955 Edgar Award for Best Mystery. And The Long Goodbye hasn’t looked back since. It’s on sale in the US today (March 25, 2021) for $1.99. Just read it!
The Big Sleep, which, per SYKM, was a finalist for the 2000 Anthony Award for Mystery of the Century, is £0.99 as part of today’s Daily Deal in the UK.
Kindle UK:
Also keep in mind that if you are lucky enough to live in or visit Canada, or one of the few other countries with reasonable copyright periods, many of Chandler’s works are in the public domain and can be downloaded for free from sites like Project Gutenberg Canada or Faded Page.
A Penguin edition of The High Window is £2.99 at Kindle UK right now. It’s the third in Chandler’s Philip Marlowe series. This is a good price for a classic!
Kindle UK:
A Penguin edition of The Long Goodbye (or Good-bye) is £0.99 at Kindle UK right now.
Kindle UK:
The Long Goodbye is on sale in the US again at $1.99. The links in the OP are still good.
The Lady in the Lake is Raymond Chandler’s fourth Philip Marlowe book. It is $1.99 at Kindle and Kobo US today. There is also a Chandler omnibus that was on sale a while ago, which contained The Lady in the Lake, so check carefully before you buy. And also as above, if you live in or visit Canada or one of the other few countries with reasonable copyright periods, this is pubic domain and you can download for free from Faded Page or Project Gutenberg Canada. But otherwise, $1.99 is a pretty good price!
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
For those of you not lucky enough to live in Canada or the few other countries with reasonable copyright laws, Raymond Chandler’s Killer in the Rain (Penguin edition, so legit) is on sale at Kindle UK for £0.99. Killer in the Rain is the short story/novella that was eventually expanded into The Big Sleep (along with, according to Wikipedia, bits of a couple of others). For some reason the “Look Inside” function is not working on this title for me, so I can’t tell if this is the collection of short stories titled Killer in the Rain, or just the single short story/novella, but at only 80 pages, I suspect the latter. Also the blurb only talks about the one story, but blurbs are blurbs, and not always reliable. If anyone else can get “Look Inside” to work, maybe they can clarify, and leave a comment down below.
In any case…here’s the link at Kindle UK:
Farewell, My Lovely is Raymond Chandler’s second Philip Marlowe book. It’s £2.99 right now at Kindle UK:
(Penguin edition, so presumably legit…)
The High Window is Raymond Chandler’s third Philip Marlowe book. It is $1.99 at Kindle US today as part of the Daily Deal, and price-matched at Kobo US. Note there is also a Chandler omnibus that was on sale a while ago, which contained The High Window, so check carefully before you buy.
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
The Lady in the Lake is $1.99 again in the US. The links in the comment four or five up are still good…
The Big Sleep is £0.99 again at Kindle UK. The link in the first comment way up above is still good.
The Long Goodbye is on sale in the US again at $1.99. The links in the OP are still good.
A year or so later, The High Window is $1.99 at Kindle US again today as part of the Daily Deal, and again price-matched at Kobo US. The links in the comment four up are still good.
The Big Sleep is $1.99 at Kindle US right now:
This is the Vintage Crime/Black Lizard edition so it’s legit (Chandler’s works get pirated a lot…)
But keep in mind that if you are lucky enough to live in or visit Canada, it’s pubic domain there, and can be download for free from Faded Page or other Canadian websites.
Farewell, My Lovely is $1.99 right now in the US. Also a Vintage Crime/Black Lizard edition so should be legit. And also public domain in Canada if you are lucky enough to live/visit there, or other countries with similar copyright laws. But not public domain in the US!
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
If you are not lucky enough to live in or visit a country (such as Canada, but not the US) where this is in the public domain, The Lady in the Lake is $1.99 again in the US. Here are links…
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
Farewell, My Lovely is $1.99 again right now in the US.
Kindle US:
Kobo US:
And The Big Sleep is £0.99 again at Kindle UK:
The Penguin edition of The Long Goodbye (or Good-bye) is £0.99 at Kindle UK again right now.
Kindle UK:
Playback is the seventh Philip Marlowe book, and it is $1.99 in the US today, as part of today’s Kindle US Daily Deal, and matched at Kobo US. It normally sits in the $8 – $13 range, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen it at $1.99, so if you want it, today is the day to grab it!
Unless, of course, you live in Canada or one of the other countries in which it is in the public domain, in which case you can download for free from Faded Page or Project Gutenberg Canada or other public domain websites.
Kindle US:
Kobo US: