The Wayward Apprentice is the first book in the Stephen Attebrook historical series by Jason Vail. This may be a self-published title (Hawk Publishing???), but I’ve read this and several other books in the series and enjoyed them all. Apprentice is free right now at Kindle US and UK. And the nice part is that if you like this free one, the rest of the books in the series are very reasonably priced at the moment too: between $1.09 and $1.19 in the US, and between £0.77 and £0.99 in the UK. And/or they are also on Kindle Unlimited, if you belong to that program. So you can binge this series without spending a lot, if you like the first one!
Get The Wayward Apprentice for free at Kindle US | Kindle UK
The Wayward Apprentice is free again at Kindle US and UK. The links in the OP are still good…
Bag of Bones is the thirteenth and most recent (2022) in the Stephen Attebrook series. And it’s free right now at Kindle US and UK!
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The Outlaws is the first in Jason Vail’s spin-off (actually, prequel spin-off) Attebrook Family Saga. I haven’t read any in this series, but have liked all of the original Stephen Attebrook series that I’ve read. The Outlaws is free right now at Kindle US and UK…
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